About Hunyuan Hexiang Zhuang Qigong










A ) (簡介)






B ) (報名者須知)

1) 功須抱持正確的功目的以取得良好功效.練功以防病祛病,修心健身,延年益壽,爲社會多做贡獻爲目的。那種爲了獵奇或謀取私利而 練功爲動機的人,請勿報名。

2)報名者須有高尚的道德情操,為人正直,行爲惡劣,心懷不良企者,請勿報名。如希望透過鶴功的修練,并加强功德修養:堅特功、德 同修,以變化自身氣質,邁向正道者,歡迎報名參加修練鶴功,互相砥礪,進而達到天人合一的境界。

3) 填表報名時,請必從實寫。如有涉及極隱私之病癥:请主動别向教功老師説明,以利教功,練功安全與方便和調治疾病效果。

C )(練功禁忌)

1)凡患有各類精神病,特别是精神分裂癥,嚴重神經官能癥:癔癥或有該病史與家族中有該病史的人,大出血病人,急性危重病人,暫不宜 練本功法的動功與站椿功。急性肝炎傳染病和肺结核開放期的患者,不宜參加集體練功。






Like other branches of medical scienceQigong grows out of man's desire to overcome disease. Since time immemorialpeople have used the body movements to get rid of uncomfortable sensations in the body. With the development of language, some of these movements were recorded and passed down. The earliest record dates back to the period of the legendary emperor Yaomore than 5,000 years ago. At the time, the people invented a dance to cure certain diseases. If is said that the climate at that time was cold and damp, causing blockage to the circulation of blood and qi. The dance helped to break open the blocked channels and consequently brought a comfortable feeling to the dancer. This was the most primitive form of qigong recorded.

The earliest book to make a systematic contribution to qigong is “The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicin. This was published in 100 BC as an influential classic of Chinese Medicine and detailed account of how Qigong can be used to prevent and cure diseases was presented.

After the downfall of feudal monarchy in 1911, some qigong masters wrote books to popularize qigong.Howeverbecause of continuous social unrest, popularization of qigong did not go very far. Only recently, qigong began to enjoy growing popularity especially since scientific studies of Qigong was applied.

There are more than 3,000 types of Qigong methods. These includes Wild Goose Qigong originated by Yang Mei JunNew Qigong Therapy by Gua LinSix Characted Method by Ma Li Tang, Spontaneous Imitation of Five Animals by Liang Shi Feng and Hexiang Zhuang Qigong.

Hexiang Zhuang Qigong was originated by Master Zhao Jin Xiang on November 19,1980. Eversince its publicity in 1980, people all over China has enthusiastically received itwith the growing number of practitioners reaching over 35 million.

Nevertheless, there are always two sides to everthing,Hexiang Zhuang Qigong has its limitations. It must be learned from a qualified coach or deviations may cause consequences. Moreover, it is not suitable for those suffering from serious mental disorders.


Master Zhao was born at Ling County, Shandong province in 1937. His kinfolk and neighbours were ell good at Qigong and Matical Arts. Naturally, at a very young ageMaster Zhao already absorbed a good bit knowledge on these subjects.

When he was sixteen years oldhe developed pleurisy and tuberculosis. By 1962, his illness had reached a seriuos stage and he was unable to work. He was sent to a sanatorium where he learned a form of sitting Qigong, developed by Liu Guei Zheng, the head of the sanatorium. He practiced everyday and felt relaxed and well. He continued the practise even after he left the sanatorium.

One day in 1969, on a journey he met a Qigong Master whose surname was also Zhao. He was a man of profound knowledge. He raised our Master Zhao to higher level of Qigong skills and consciousness. Through several years of practise of Qigong, plus medical treatment, he slowly recovered from his illness.

During these years, in addition to regaining his health, he began to treat patients. As time went byso many patients came that it was not possible to treat them all. Seeing their illness, he compassionately began to look for a solution.

He began to visit and learn from many famous doctors and Qigong masters .He studied the theory of medicine and the doctrine of circulation and change of vital energy. He also learned pathology and. physiology.

From combining his Qigong practise, studies and experience, he developed a form of Qigong that imitated the nature and movement of the white crance in flight. The technique is organised into five routines that combine mental and physical movements.


The remarkable curative efficacy of Hexiang Zhuang Qigong achieved great success and won the love and praise of many people. However, success has also given rise to malice and misunderstanding. This is especially sowhen people use the name of Hexiang Zhuang Qigong as their motive for selfish and personal gain. To make things worse, their deviated movements and forms caused confusion to the practitioners of the Hexiang Zhuang Technique.

Considering his responsibilities to the practitioners to distinguish between truth and falsehood. Master Zhao formally named his Qigong as Ihe China Hexiang Zhuang Qigong.


美里混元鹤翔莊气功协会 Persatuan Hunyuan Hexiang Zhuang Qigong Miri
Address:Lot 1442, Lambir Land District, Jalan Bakam, 98000 Miri, Sarawak. P. O. Box 2477, 98007 Miri, Sarawak.
联络人:会长许德忍老师 (电话:+6 019-8858123 / Email: [email protected]
署理会长余清和老师(电话:+6 013-8378532 / Email: [email protected]
秘书长李晓薇 (电话:+6 016-8708335 / Email: [email protected]


Copyright © 2016 美里混元鹤翔莊气功协会 Persatuan Hunyuan Hexiang Zhuang Qigong Miri. All rights reserved.